for the 2021 Windy City Coop Tour
Spread the word far and wide!
Download and print the handbills and fliers to post in local stores, library branches, cafes, etc (pdf attached below).
Forward the link for the 2021 Tour press release to neighborhood media, bulletins, and news sources.
Join and invite friends via the Facebook Event.
You should have the following documents for the Tour. Please download and print attachments if you need copies.
Tour Host Instructions & Checklist
Visitor Sign-In sheets
ChiChickEns Resources half-sheet handouts (small stack)
Display copies of:
Co-sponsored by Advocates for Urban Agriculture and the Chicagoland Chicken Enthusiasts, the annual Tour showcases backyard poultry/livestock and other sustainability practices (intensive food production, rain gardens, pollinator habitat, composting, solar and other renewable energy...)
Fill out the online application AND email one or more good photos of your coop, urban eco-examples, and surrounding area to:
Shoot us an email if you have a question about the Application, or need it sent to you in another format — AND if you want to help organize, photograph, and/or promote the Tour. Help to make this year's Tour as fun and informative as ever!
Host Sites should offer a good demonstration of the care of urban poultry/livestock and/or other sustainability practices, in a space that can accommodate a flow of foot traffic.
The Tour is also open to Hosts who have excellent examples to share: intensive food production, rain gardens, pollinator habitats, composting, water collection, solar and other renewable energy, etc.
Indicate the date/s that you are able/willing to host. You can Host on either or both days of the Tour, during the time windows of 10AM-1PM and/or 1-4PM each day.
Organizers will review applications and confirm approved Hosts.
If you previously hosted the Tour, please fill out the Application and send new photo/s for complete and accurate Site Info.
By applying to Host, you agree to open your property to Visitors on your selected date/s, and to allow your site address and description to be shared publicly on print and online Tour materials. Tour site info and map WILL NOT include Hosts' names or contact info.
Tour organizers use the information you provide to approve Host Sites and to plan and promote the Tour.
We urge all Hosts to attend the pre-Tour orientation in early Sept to review logistics and prep with other Hosts, and pick up signs and materials.
Since 2010, 108 Tour Hosts have shared their examples of backyard livestock and "eco-yards" with hundreds of Tour Visitors eager to see area coops and flocks, other critters, and innovative urban sustainability practices. MANY THANKS to all for your generosity and commitment to demonstrating urban ecology and food production!